Saturday, September 27, 2008


Just to continue with my thankful theme I gave my testimony at CRU on Thursday along with 2 others. Throughout the week I had been writing it out and just thinking about the past (which I suppose you have to do if you're going to be talking about it)and then practicing just before CRU with the other 2 I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with gratitude.

I have a story.

One that has a great ending and isn't even close to being over. I have a God who loves me enough that no matter how I mess up he continues to work in my life anyway. And that's the best part: this story isn't even mine. Shoot, if I was given control of writing this thing my happy ending wouldn't come for a while. I'd still be living a life of heartbreak and rebellion but God showed up, gave me a choice and made my story his. He took everything that was gross and disgusting in my life and turned it into something beautiful.

It just amazes me that he does this for us, and that I'm not the only one with a story...with his story.

and I can't wait to see what this chapter holds...

The worst consequence of losing our imagination, our wonder, is that we no longer see the Christward life as an adventure.
-Mark Buchanan


Stacie with an IE said...

i'm glad you shared your story. it's fun to know that we're not writing them.