Thursday, September 25, 2008

3 things...

There are about 75.3 things I learned this summer at/from camp and probably 85.7 more things since the semester has begun but if there is one thing that I learned at camp it was this: There is always something to be grateful for. During training my wonderful and beautiful program director gave me a little journal telling me that I need to write 3 things everyday that I am grateful for cause even when the days get long and you feel like you failed and you just want to sleep there is always something to be grateful for. Frequently she would ask me what my 3 things were for that day. I was grateful for that and remembering that today I thought I would share my 3 with the world.

1. It rained making it possible to wear my brand new rain boots.
2. It rained. :)
3. While I love tennis I had much work today so it got canceled giving me ample time to get everything done.
and just for fun: 4. I'm about to share my testimony at CRU. Just kinda grateful I have a story that ends in Jesus. How can I not be grateful?

thanks bree. <3


Andrea said...

I miss you Randi! And also, I want some rain boots.

I also cannot believe you are a senior. Want to hang out over winter break? :)

P.S. You should know - there is a very good possibility I might go to Kenya in photograph children and visit a village & school there. !!!

Melissa Joy said...

I so wish I would have been at CRU to hear your testimony. YAY Jesus!!!

See you Thursday :)